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Associati a SIUrO

Please note: already registered members must authenticate with the credentials provided at the time of the registration or click the buttons at the bottom of this page.

Subscription to the Italian Society of Uro-Oncology is simple.

To register, just fill out the online form including, where indicated, the curriculum vitae in a PDF format.

The application will be submitted to the Executive Committee for the official approval.
Official approval will be sent by e-mail together with the indications for the payment of the membership dues. Once the membership dues are paid, the registration is completed.


The membership fee as well as the membership due is € 100 for specialists and € 50 for residents. The membership fee includes the subscription to the scientific journal “Italian Archive of Urology and Andrology”.


To the SIUrO Members who are in good standing are offered the following benefits:

1) E-mail alerts of Morning Note, first pages of the newspapers and newspaper press review by our communication agency Consilium.

2) Access to the Member’s area on the SIUrO web site and the chance of viewing and downloading the slides of past SIUrO training events.

3) A yearly subscription to the scientific Journal Italian Archive of Urology and Andrology.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the S.I.Ur.O operating secretary: